Loading videos on click

In this project, we show examples of loading both YouTube and Vimeo videos on click in Webflow. This approach does require the use of custom code instead of using the native video element, but implementing this will help the performance of your site since you're loading an image on page load instead of a video. This implementation is even more powerful when you have multiple videos on the page. There are links in the nav to clone this project and you will also see a link to get the code. The GitHub repo has detailed instructions to help guide you.

Vimeo example with collection list

Chuck video

Chuck video

An early Webflow commercial showing off it's capabilities, the UI, and of course Chuck and his log blog.

Webflow Ecommerce

Webflow Ecommerce

Let’s be honest, everything happens online these days — including shopping. So when Webflow told us they were creating a fully customizable ecommence builder that gives you the best of both worlds — the user-friendly ease of drag-and-drop templates, and the power of complex code — we jumped on the opportunity to help them launch their new product with a video.

Age of No Code

Age of No Code

We teamed up again with the awesome team Webflow for their upcoming conference about the future in software development, where no code is required.

YouTube example with collection list

Get started with devlink

Get started with devlink

Join host Aron Korenblit and guest Victoria Plummer, developer relations lead @ Webflow for a workflow session. you'll learn how to use DevLink to sync website components built in Webflow with any react project to bridge the gap between design and dev.

Dynamic cms grid in Webflow

Dynamic cms grid in Webflow

An excellent walkthrough from the legend Timothy Ricks on building a dynamic grid with the Webflow CMS

8 awesome custom code hacks for your webflow project

8 awesome custom code hacks for your webflow project

In this tutorial, i cover 8 different pieces of custom code that power up your webflow project, especially with cms collections. this tutorial is geared more towards intermediate or advanced users.

YouTube example a component

This is an example of loading a video on click inside of a component using props instead of our collection list examples. Lots of people would love to have this as a component to make using it on static pages outside of the CMS more approachable.

Get the code

Bento tutorial: Webflow crash course 2024

In today's video, we'll be going over how to build a bento web design. the design might look simple, but ensuring the site is responsive and works well can be challenging. you'll learn a lot whether you're a beginner or an intermediate webflow user.

Watch on YouTube